Wednesday 27 August 2008

My first publication!

Over the summer holidays I applied to my local theatre for any Art Journalist opportunities.
I submitted a review of Endgame, which I watched at the Everyman Theatre in Liverpool for part of my Literature course at uni, and they took me on as Community Critic!
The play I was selected to review was called Six Characters in Search of an Author. Which, excitingly, was featured in the Telegraph's Top 5 the week before the press night. This is their review of the play.

And, rather more excitingly as far as I am concerned..
Here is mine

I would really appreciate any comments, it is my first review so I would love any feedback : )


New Uni-year resolution = More posts.
This place is going to become my online record of my art and writing.
So I should begin with filling in the gap.
1st year of uni is over.
Projects were slightly uninspiring, especially after the more intensive nature of Art Foundation last year.
They included Deckchair Tourist Guides, Carrot Flutes and Alternative Portraits.
If I find anything I like i'll post them.
On the plus side we did a mock-up of the Turner Prize (as it was in Liverpool this year) and my group (who represented Nathan Coley) faced the judges and won! So I have a fake cheque for £25, 000. But better than that I have made some awesome friends..