I was so nervous before. I think the fact i wasn't completely happy with my final exhibition was the root of the butterflies. Having already done 6 units it is hard to ensure the 7th is the best, and whilst i really liked the Charlie photograph and the chair i upholstered sadly weaker elements had to be included preventing me from being content.
When I arrived I was overwhelmed with the number of people, (having just expected it to be pupils and parents and a select few at that,) the place was brimming with members of staff (who i've never seen before) mixing with the artworld stereotypes uming and ahing and then popping outside for a creative cigarette.
My Aunt and Uncle-ish had travelled from Oxford to be there, and upon my Uncle-ish pulling a bright bouquet of plastic yellow flowers from his coat for me i relaxed a little and promptly left the strangers to their critical glances and made a beeline for my friends who, comfortingly, were feeling alot like i was only with the edges dulled by free wine. Tammie must have had a couple for when i pointed out my Dad ("the man coming towards us in the blue shirt") she said "Hello Laura's Dad" to a passing gentleman in a grey suit, who was a combination of confused and flattered seeing as it would have made him a couple of decades younger.
Despite having already seen the completed exhibition, the fact it was officially open presented it in a different light. When one of my 6th Form Art teachers who came noted that i haven't changed it made me realise that my work was the only exhibit there with an "issue" base, and whilst at the start of the course i had been intimidated by the fact i was the only topically motivated student and therefore convinced myself i had silenced my opinionated artistic voice, i was wrong to do so, and wrong in thinking that i had. I just know that i have to work on translating all the thinking into the final pieces.